Art Show

AWS Apple Blossom Festival
Art Show and Reception

The Apple Blossom Festival Art Show, an exhibition by members of the Art Workshop of Western Sonoma County (AWS), will open with a reception (including music) on Friday, April 25 from 7 PM to 9 PM at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 S. High Street. Admission to the reception is free, and wine and appetizers will be served. The exhibition continues on Saturday, April 26, from 10 AM to 6 PM and on Sunday, April 27, from 10 AM to 5 PM. Entrance to the art show is included in the Apple Blossom Festival admission.

The Apple Blossom Festival Art Show has been a decades-long tradition in Sebastopol. With more than 100 original paintings, drawings and fine art photographs ranging from rural landscapes to experimental abstracts, there is something for every visitor and family to enjoy. Nearly all the artworks are for sale, including a selection of small works at very affordable prices. Come and enjoy the artwork, and the camaraderie, and vote for your favorite piece of art!

Most of the artwork will be available for purchase.

AWS is currently seeking new members; information about this active local art organization will be available at the show.

Be sure to stop by the art show while you’re at the Apple Blossom Festival in Sebastopol this year. Go Local!

For more information about AWS, or